Andariel, the Maiden of Anguish is a common objective for players who are interested in farming in Diablo II: Resurrected Patch 2.5 and Ladder Season 2. In Act One, she has a lovely antechamber that opens up into a tastefully decorated Throne Room that is located at the very bottom of the Catacombs. Her antechamber leads into the Throne Room. Below ground level is where you'll find both of these rooms. The requirements for farming her are not overly difficult to fulfill, and the process can be completed in a reasonable amount of time. This translates to the potential for farming her to yield very high profits. This is because Andariel is one of the most well-known bosses in the game, and she plays a significant role in the story.

The following are some reasons why you should keep Andariel on your farm in Diablo II: Resurrected:
In Diablo II: Resurrected, the fight against Andariel, the game's first boss, takes place in the First Act of the game. Despite the fact that she is only level 79, she has the ability to drop many Diablo 2 Resurrected Amazon Build Resurrected Assassin Build that are extremely desirable despite the fact that her level is relatively low. This is because of the fact that she has the ability to drop D2R Best Paladin Builds that are higher in level than she is. Some of these D2R Gear Guides Resurrected Gear Guide are part of the highly desirable Tal Rasha's set, while others include a significant number of additional items. Even though this haul is not particularly impressive, it ought to be sufficient to demonstrate what an Andy Loot Pile might look like.
For you to be successful in farming Andariel in Diablo II, you will need the following:Raised from the dead:
In the first place, you need to keep in mind that Andariel has a vulnerability to fire. This fact is essential to know. Regardless of whether you choose to use cold or physical attacks, she won't be able to put up much of a fight against you. You have a significant advantage in this regard. She is highly skilled in the application of poison, and as a consequence, she possesses a high degree of resistance to the negative effects that it has on her. The cold accomplishes its goal in an impeccable manner, but Diablo 2 Resurrected Sorceress Guide also makes D2R Ladder Ladder Tips more difficult for her to launch her attacks.
This brings up the other significant point that needs to be discussed, so let's have that conversation right now. If you are dealing damage to the queen with a ranged weapon, you have the ability to use the pillars and other features in the queen's throne room to shield yourself from the poison she exudes. This only applies if you are dealing damage to the queen with a ranged weapon. As a result of this, it is strongly recommended that you bring an adequate supply of antidote elixirs with you just in case something goes wrong. Keep in mind that the duration stacks, but not the effect, so you can easily get a full minute of buffed poison resistance for less than 200 gold. This is because the duration stacks, but the effect does not. This is due to the fact that while the duration can be stacked, the effect itself does not. This is because the duration can be stacked, but the effect itself cannot. The reason for this is that the duration can be extended. It is a surprisingly convenient option, and in the end, the cost of either an antidote or a Full Rejuvenation is less than what it would cost to bring Jemali back to life.
The Complete Guide to Andariel Farming in Diablo II, Broken Down into Easy-to-Follow StepsInstructions:Resurrect from the grave
If you make use of a few particular strategies, tips, and tricks, you will be able to raise the overall productivity of your Andariel farming operation. In order to reach her level, which is located on the Catacombs 4 level, we need to first descend from the Catacombs 2 waypoint, then move through the Catacombs 3 region, and finally locate the stairs that lead down to the Catacombs 4 level. This will lead us to the room that she uses as a throne. When you first enter Catacombs 2, you are going to want to take what is sometimes called the right shoulder approach. This is the strategy that will give you the best chance of survival. By implementing this one particular strategy, you will give yourself the best possible chance of being successful. You could also consider D2R Best Sorceress Builds to be operating counter to the natural progression of time, much like how the hands of a clock move in the opposite direction. It is recommended that you take this path because it will almost always be the quickest way to reach the stairs that lead down to Catacombs 3, which in turn lead to the next level. The stage could be laid out in a few different ways, but if you leave the starting area and head in the direction that is directly to the right, you will find the stairs much more quickly than you would in any other part of the level.
There are several different layouts that could be used for the stage.
The only pattern that has been found for Catacombs 3 is that the stairs leading down are almost always on an edge. This is the only pattern that has been discovered. Simply move in a certain direction, locate the boundary of the territory, and then go around the area in a counterclockwise direction. It would be very helpful right now if you could teleport to each other or use Enigma to communicate with one another. It is not necessary for you to worry about locating the stairs that lead down to Catacombs 4 because you will find them in due time. It is a good idea to place a Town Portal at the top of these stairs, particularly during the first few times that you attempt this on a specific difficulty level, and it is an even better idea to do so if you are relying on an item for teleportation. In particular, it is a good idea to place a Town Portal during the first few times that you attempt this on a specific difficulty level. In particular, it is a smart idea to do this during the first few times that you attempt this on the particular level of difficulty because it will prepare you for what is to come.
You will come to a small room with a door that leads into the Antechamber when you reach the bottom of the staircase. It is in your best interest to get rid of these, as there is a possibility that Andariel is harboring any Elites, which you may wish to extract at a later time. Getting rid of these will allow you to do so more easily. Getting rid of them is often the most effective course of action that can be taken. Kiting Andariel around the pit in the middle of the Antechamber is another choice available to you in the event that things become even more dire. If the pit is big enough, this is something that can be done. Before attempting to pull Andariel, who will be in front of you directly, it is strongly recommended that you clear the area to your left and right first. He will be directly in front of you. This is of the utmost significance in the event that there are any Elites in the immediate vicinity. When one of the Elite packs casts an aura on you and your minion while the other casts a curse on you and your minion, a fight that would normally be relatively simple becomes a lot more exciting and interesting because of this.
Because there is a chance of finding at least three Elite Packs in the Throne Room, it is absolutely necessary to proceed with at least some degree of caution in order to avoid any potential mishaps.
Andariel herself is straightforward. Be wary of her poison, and if you have the ability to do so, try to prevent her from casting it by blocking the line of sight between you and the target of her attack. If you are successful, she will be forced to abandon her plan. If you are unable to prevent it, all you can do is be careful around her poison. She is a boss fight, but if you pay attention and are careful, it shouldn't be too difficult to defeat her. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your Andariel runs are successful. Good luck!