Devdutt Pattanaik Shiva An Introduction Pdf 16
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Shiva: an introduction dr devdutt pattanaik pdf
The duality of Shiva is deeply embedded in the symbol of the holy trinity: omnipresence ( sat-cit-ananda). The devdutt pattanaik pdf address (book) rt@.pdf devdutt pattanaik pdf download, Shiva: an Introduction. Shiva: an Introduction for freshers in hindi.
Search for books: devdutt pattanaik pdf, shiva an introduction vedic literature, devdutt pattanaik hindi language. Shiva An Introduction By Dr Devdutt Pattanaik The Ultimate Guide To The Hindu Spiritual.Q:
Why are my h2 tags showing up differently?
I am running into this weird issue. I have a form with:
I don't have any issues rendering the form, but in the DOM, when I inspect the DOM, the h2 tag is showing up like so:
It's probably something really easy, but I am just clueless! Thanks!
It's probably something really easy, but I am just clueless!
Yep. ;-)
Turns out you were. Your browser, when displaying the page, didn't load "Something" as a doctype. The browser tried to render it as "Something" as if it was HTML 5.
Solution - add the following to the of your page:
Note that you don't need to add any doctype to the section. This is because the section will already have the implicit on it.
BTW, your markup is valid as is, you'll just need to make sure that the rendered HTML matches the source.
Good luck!
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